The brand Portugal Organic, created in the Ecoregion of Idanha-a-Nova, brings together micro and small enterprises that are based in the Portuguese low-density territories, produce in a biological way and manage the endogenous resources in a sustainable. As a member of the International Network of Eco-Regions (IN.N.E.R.), Idanha-a-Nova consolidates its development strategy, based on the sustainable management of endogenous resources and on a biological model of production and consumption.

Nature Fields “Feel the Amazing Nature”
We produce, process and trade organic beef since 2013. We are part of the GeoPark Naturtejo, Unesco Heritage, our products are also classified as a Geo Product and our brand is Geo do Prado. Our commitment is to offer consumers consistent quality, tradition and distinctive flavor, while respecting Nature and the rhythm of each animal, who live happily and freely in the meadows of our and others farms. We meet you at BIOFACH, come and discover our range of products and the way we work.